Crisis Aid International Saving Lives, Saving Souls & Changing Futures Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:17:53 +0000 en hourly 1 Crisis Aid International 32 32 From Heartache to Hope: Zinitu’s Story Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:50:48 +0000 One-year-old Zinitu arrived at our Aleta Pediatric Hospital and Feeding Center, fragile and visibly malnourished.

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During her 12-day stay in our pediatric hospital, Zinitu’s health improved as she received the nourishing and life-saving medical care she desperately needed. Because of your faithful giving, she was able to return home with outpatient nutritional support to ensure her continued recovery.

It’s amazing how the 12-day stay at our hospital changed her health and well-being for the better. She was even able to play with her friends again! Her mother was given food from the garden and seeds, and instructions on how to plant at home, to ensure proper nutrition going forward.

Zinitu’s journey is a testament to the life-changing impact of compassionate friends like you. Each gift you give has the power to restore hope and bring healing to families struggling with extreme poverty.

Crisis Aid has operated established feeding programs in East Africa for 19 years. More than 133,000 severely malnourished children and their families receive food monthly. Through your giving, you bring not only immediate relief, but also sustainable solutions to help vulnerable children and families flourish.

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2023 Gratitude Report Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:21:15 +0000 Learn about all the ways your generosity made an immeasurable impact in 2023.

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2022 Gratitude Report Sat, 02 Mar 2024 06:33:25 +0000 Learn about all the ways your generosity has made an immeasurable impact over the last twenty years.

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Lifeline: Winning The War on Sex Trafficking Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:56:13 +0000 Read the March, 2024 edition of the U.S, Safe Newsletter from Crisis Aid International.

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You can help these precious children Wed, 03 Jan 2024 22:36:12 +0000 The Crisis Aid House of Hope Refuge Home, built on faith-based principles, offers services ranging from emergency assistance to transitional living.

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Help prevent sexual exploitation and trafficking.

In 2021, 10,359 situations of human trafficking were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline involving 16,554 individual victims. Shocking as these numbers are, they are likely only a fraction of the actual problem.

Both federal and local experts have expressed a great need for early intervention and residential services for those desperately trying to escape. Crisis Aid’s US Safe Initiative address both.

The Crisis Aid House of Hope (HOH) Refuge Home is a direct response to the need for residential services. The HOH Home, built on faith-based principles, offers services ranging from emergency assistance to transitional living. This 20,000 square foot home is a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility that provides a warm healing environment for up to 20 trafficked girls and young women.

The Crisis Aid Child Anti-Exloitation (CAP) Program is a ground-breaking initiative between law enforcement and other first responders that targets children at risk for sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. It addresses gaps in prevention and early intervention, providing immediate and ongoing resources to police officers, children at risk and their families.



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Amy Mon, 06 Nov 2023 18:07:54 +0000 Amy was identified by law enforcement as a teen victim of child sexual abuse and, upon further investigation, being trafficked. At the police department, she was nervous, scared and felt completely alone.

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Amy was identified by law enforcement as a teen victim of child sexual abuse and, upon further investigation, being trafficked.

At the police department, she was nervous, scared and felt completely alone. Her life at home was always chaotic. She lived with many different relatives because one parent is incarcerated and the other has struggled with severe drug addiction and never been part of her life.

Amy didn’t know what to expect when the detectives told her they were going to introduce her to a Crisis Aid advocate. She was surprised when officers walked her down the halls of the police department to a warm room with a comfortable sofa, soft cushions and even a blanket for her.

As she sat with her victim advocate, she was able to share some of her fears about her health and safety, and they discussed some of her options. The more Amy sat and talked in that supportive environment, the safer she began to feel, and she began to relax. Her shivering and tears lessened, and her voice steadied as she slowly found the strength to tell some of her story to law enforcement.

Since then, Amy has continued to stay connected with her Crisis Aid advocate for mentoring and help finding community resources, such as therapy and tutoring. She meets with her advocate to discuss healthy relationships and boundaries and for emotional support.

Amy also has the chance to discuss any ongoing safety concerns she may have with law enforcement when she sees her advocate. She says she is no longer apprehensive about entering the police station, but now sees it as a place of haven and help.

* The image(s) used in this blog post are stock photo(s) and are used for illustrative purposes only. They do not depict real individuals associated with Crisis Aid International.

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Jasmine Mon, 06 Nov 2023 18:03:42 +0000 Jasmine was a 13-year-old girl when she joined our CAP program. She was severely neglected, and child sexual abuse of other family members was already happening in her home, putting her at risk of abuse and being trafficked.

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Jasmine was a 13-year-old girl when she joined our CAP program. She was severely neglected, and child sexual abuse of other family members was already happening in her home, putting her at risk of abuse and being trafficked.

It was a challenge to build rapport with Jasmine due to the understandable impact of trauma and chaos she has experienced in her young life. However, she has shown tremendous resilience as we have continued to work together.

She is developing her critical-thinking skills around healthy boundaries and relationships and is starting to understand how trauma can impact decision-making. Watching her self-worth and self-esteem grow — now understanding that she deserves to be safe — has been truly an honor and a blessing.

We have also been actively working with her current guardian to discuss concerns and work through difficulties, including identifying resources to assist in the process.

Jasmine’s guardian indicated that her other siblings living in the home are also demonstrating a high level of risk. Now we are working with the entire family to provide information and support to help the guardian keep these children safe.

* The image(s) used in this blog post are stock photo(s) and are used for illustrative purposes only. They do not depict real individuals associated with Crisis Aid International.

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Alaina Mon, 06 Nov 2023 17:33:57 +0000 Alaina was 13 when she came into the St. Louis Refuge Home. Our local law enforcement partners had responded to a tip that a young girl was being trafficked. Later that night, Alaina was rescued from a hotel.

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Alaina was 13 when she came into the St. Louis Refuge Home.

Our local law enforcement partners had responded to a tip that a young girl was being trafficked. Later that night, Alaina was removed from a hotel where she was rescued from being sold to multiple men for sex acts.

Alaina was angry and distrustful of everyone. At first, she refused to speak to the very officers who had rescued her. She was immediately taken to meet with a Crisis Aid victim advocate.

The advocate tried to help her feel safe and supported and to understand that she wasn’t in trouble. She finally began talking with the detectives and described a life that — as her mother’s addiction to heroin had advanced — had become a confusing mass of ugliness and chaos.

Alaina’s eyes were empty and she spoke detachedly about her experiences, almost as if they were something she had observed rather than lived through. Her days were a succession of hotel rooms, where she was sold to men old enough to be her father — or grandfather. Hour after hour, night after night.

As she spoke, it was clear that Alaina was very protective of her mother, repeatedly explaining that her mom loved her and “didn’t know what was happening.” She added, “Lots of people have to do horrible things to take care of their family.”

Alaina was very distraught when she found out she would be going to the Refuge instead of back to stay with her mother. When Alaina first came into the Refuge, she was quiet and withdrawn. She stayed in her room and if she talked at all, it was about her mother, who never made the time to visit her when visits were arranged through Children’s Services.

She was often involved in conflicts at school and was behind for her age because of all she had missed in recent years. But with love, support and patience Alaina began to open up. It started with her sharing her hurt with the staff about her mother’s absence to planned visits. Then Alaina started participating in healing and healthy boundaries groups in the home and engaging in activities.

Alaina since has transformed from a lost soul with lifeless eyes to a teen who exudes light and laughter. She has been with a foster family for over a year now and is thriving! She is passing ALL of her classes and has caught up to her grade level. She is also engaged in after-school activities, made the honor roll and has many plans for the future!

* The image(s) used in this blog post are stock photo(s) and are used for illustrative purposes only. They do not depict real individuals associated with Crisis Aid International.

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Zuberi Tue, 18 May 2021 21:26:49 +0000 Zuberi and his family are only alive today because you cared. You gave them food, medical care, and hope.

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It was a look that you never forget. Ten-month-old Zuberi was beyond the initial pain of weeks without nourishment. Numb to the situation we found him in, his stare reflected a resignation of hopelessness. His protruding belly was in sharp contrast to his exposed rib cage — it was a wonder he was still alive.

Jesus said, suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such is the kingdom of God. – Luke 18:16

NOW, because of your faithful prayers and support, this precious little boy has received the life-giving food and medical care he so desperately needed.

Today, only a few months after we first met him, Zuberi is happy, healthy, and full of the life that was so elusive to him. Thank you for caring and refusing to do nothing.

The story of your love and support fur Zuberi has spread. Other children, once on death’s door, are also alive today because of you! The power of your prayers and loving support has been the difference between life and death for countless children. These pictures reflect just two of the children whose lives you have forever changed! THANK YOU!

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Norma Tue, 18 May 2021 21:22:56 +0000 Many in our communities are finding themselves in situations they have never experienced before. The need for help with food for many is just one example.

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Community Helping Community

Unemployment and job reduction in our nation are at an all-time high. Many in our communities are finding themselves in situations they have never experienced before. The need for help with food for many is just one example. Yet there are others in our communities that are eager to help during these unprecedented times.

Where to start?

Crisis Aid is equipping members of the community with the power to help each other. Together, we are providing supplemental food to those in need. Those wanting to make a difference now have a place to drop off food that will help others. Still, others have a resource to provide food for their neighbors, friends, and whole communities as well.

Our desire is to start the process of neighbor helping neighbor.

Our goal is to see whole communities transformed by individuals stepping out and doing more; more for family, more for friends, and more for the entire community.

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